Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) QEM - Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics.
We are proud to announce that SGH Warsaw School of Economics has become full partner of the Consortium organizing the program from academic year 2018/2019!


Stationary, full time program EMJMD QEM​ is designed for all of those who plan to continue their education in the field of economics, pursue a Ph.D. degree or an academic career, or to work in government or international institutions as well as in financial management or management consultancy. By taking part in EMJMD QEM​ you have a chance of studying at European`s top universities for Mathematical Economics, gain excellent education in Mathematical Economics, Quantitative Methods and Finance. The programme is taught entirely in English. The course gives you flexibility in creating your individual curriculum: after passing the mandatory core courses in the first year, you will be able to compose your own timetable according to your interests in the second year.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) QEM - Models and Methods of Quantitative Economics​ is an EU-approved international graduate degree programme taught full-time for elite cohorts of students with many specializations. Taught in English, the programme is designed by a Consortium of five European universities:

with a network of Associated Partners consisting of international academic institutions that have a solid scientific and research background in the field of economics and related disciplinesand, and public and private companies that aid in the administration of the Consortium.


There are two possible ways to be admitted at the program. One way is through the standard application procedure described on the webside Master economics QEM.

Another way is based on the agreement between the SGH and EMJMD QEM partners. SGH students will be automatically accepted to the EMJMD QEM program after passing with average grade B 4 first semester courses of the EMJMD QEM​ program offered by SGH at Economics field of study.

The exam (typically in December) and the grade of the 4 courses of the first semester would be given by the EMJMD QEM program coordination. The SGH students will take the same exam as all EMJMD QEM students (at the same time in December but in Warsaw) and the correction of the 4 exams will be done by the same Professor as for the all EMJMD QEM students.

Every successful student (B average according to the grade translation table) is then accepted in the EMJMD QEM program.

If she/he accepts,  the enrollment  in the EMJMD QEM​ will be made retroactively for the first semester in the university where all the accepted students have spent their first semester (all students spend the first semester S1 in the same university, with a turnover among institutions to manage this first semester).​ It can be either Barcelona, Paris1, Venice or Louvain la Neuve.
His/her mobility track will then be decided for the second year no later than in the Winter Meeting (February following the December of the exams). The rule is that student must study in at least two Partners institutions.​

All the students of SGH must follow the internal regulations of International Centre described here.

EMJMD QEM - Participation Fee

Students pay the participation fees.

For the first year:

  • Non-EU Students:        €4,500 per semester
  • EU Students:                € 3,000 per semester

For the second year:

  • Non-EU Students:        €6,000 per semester
  •  EU Students:               €3,000 per semester.  

Extra ECTS credits, i.e. beyond the required 60 ECTS credits per academic year, shall incur an additional fee of €150 per ECTS credit for European Union students and €200 per ECTS credit for non-European Union students.

Reductions are possible based on the results of the exams.

Various scholarships are offered by the Consortium and/or the EMJMD QEM partners  but the students are in competition with other applicants.

Students can also choose to apply to the Erasmus Mundus scholarships

Having passed all the exams of the first semester (and even one exam would be good) give them a plus
Applying to the Erasmus Mundus scholarship will allow them to get it if they are in the Main List but also to get  the QEM Scholarship if they are in the waiting list.

QEM path at SGH is free for Polish students. International students pay the fee regulated by the SGH Authorities Decision each year.

Study programme

To obtain a EMJMD QEM degrees students must follow a joint curriculum described below. The first and second semesters have each 32.5 ECTS at the SGH and 30 ECTS in Paris. Students moving from one university to the other between the first and second semester will have their studies recognized by the other university.

First semester obligatory:

  • Microeconomics I (7 ECTS)
  • Macroeconomics I (7 ECTS)
  • Probability and Statistics (7 ECTS)
  • Optimization (7 ECTS)
  • Foreign Language Course (2 ECTS)

SGH courses​

  • 221931 Advanced Microeconomics (7 ECTS)
  • 221921 Advanced Macroeconomics (7 ECTS)
  • 221981 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Methods (7 ECTS)
  • 221941 Advanced Optimization (7 ECTS)
  • ​Foreign Language Course (2 ECTS)

Second semester obligatory:

  • Microeconomics II (7 ECTS)
  • Macroeconomics II (7 ECTS)
  • Econometrics (7 ECTS)
  • Electives (7 ECTS)
  • Foreign Language Course (2 ECTS)

SGH courses​

  • 221961 Advanced Microeconomics II (7 ECTS)
  • 221951 Advanced Macroeconomics II (7 ECTS)
  • 221911 Advanced Applied Econometrics (7 ECTS)
  • Electives (min. 7 ECTS)
  • ​Foreign Language Course (2 ECTS)

here is a variety of elective courses offered at SGH including specialization in theory, macroeconomics, financial markets, econometrics and operation research (including big data, statistical learning or programing).

A sample of recommended courses for EMJMD QEM students is listed below:

  • 236351 Decision theory , 
  • 221971 Game Theory II, 
  • 232401 Advanced labor economics (QEM), 
  • 233531 Advanced R Programming
  • 234061 Advanced Simulation Modelling, 
  • 220621 Artificial Intelligence
  • 237811 Basic C++ programming, 
  • 220521 Basic R Programming
  • 230201 Bayesian Econometrics
  • 223091 Big Data, 
  • 224391 Cloud Computing, 
  • 223121 Data Mining, 
  • 236481 Database Application Building, PL/SQL language, 
  • 231231 Derivatives Market, 
  • 222121 Development Economics, 
  • 222991 Econometrics of Panel Data, 
  • 222041 Financial Econometrics I ( FAP, CIMA), 
  • 233181 Financial Econometrics II, 
  • 235221 Financial Risk Management and Derivatives
  • 233461 General Equilibrium Models, 
  • 231571 Growth Theory (QEM), 
  • 231271 Industrial Economics (QEM), 
  • 222111 Labour Economics, 
  • 234891 Macroeconomic Modeling (QEM), 
  • 231291 Macroeconomics and household heterogeneity (QEM), 
  • 220341 Microeconometrics, 
  • 234881 Monetary Economics (QEM), 
  • 236811 Numerical Methods, 
  • 222131 Public Sector Economics, 
  • 223101 Querrying, Data Presentation, Data Visualisation and Reporting, 
  • 222891 Real-Time Analytics, 
  • 230891 Spatial Econometrics, 
  • 223491 Statistical Learning Methods, 
  • 222061 Time Series Econometrics etc.

Additionally, each student attends a language course (min. 2 ECTS, per semester) and a Master thesis seminar (20 ECTS).

Importantly SGH allows to take more than 30 ECTS per semester free of charge. Students typically enroll for programming or statistical courses.

Mobility track

The EMJMD QEM​ program is divided into four semesters of study, with a mandatory mobility of at least one semester. Students must study in at least two Partners institutions with the option of one semester in an Associated Partner university.

In the first year, all studentes enrolled to the program in the standard procedure (not though the direct admission to SGH) spend the first semester S1 in the same university, with a turnover among institutions to manage this first semester. The second semester S2 (30 credits) is spent in any partner university (except in the first semester university when the second year is spent in this institution). All the second year is in general spent in the same university.  

Students enrolled directly by SGH (field of study: Economics) the first semester of the program spend in Warsaw.

After the exams in December, if a student is accepted, the committee proposes a particular mobility track with the student’s acceptance notification, which the student can then accept in response in order to enter the program. The rule is that students must study in at least two Partners institutions.

The Second Year must be spent at one of the four universities and is devoted to the chosen specialization.

The Joint Graduate Committee chooses the proposed mobility track taking into account factors such as the student’s preference, the wishes of the partners, and the equal repartition of students within the Consortium for the second year.
Finally students that follow the QEM path at SGH  and do not go abroad obtain the SGH QEM path certificate after fulfilling the SGH QEM path.

SGH QEM path

The QEM path courses are offered at SGH on the Economics field of Study. To pass the QEM path at SGH students must follow the Economics field of Study curriculum but choosing the courses from the QEM courses list (see Study program).

The sequence of courses differs from a typical for Economics field of Study. For this reason, students must enroll and confirm each semester their willingness to participate in the SGH QEM path. It is important to pass each semester formally and obtain confirmation from the Dean’s Office.

Students, who want to start the QEM path at SGH in October are asked to inform us by email: qem@sgh.waw.pl, until the end of July.

EMJMD QEM - Incoming students

We would like to provide you information on Poland, Warsaw, SGH, and study organization. Some general information can find in fact sheets​. Moreover you are invited to take part in Orientation Week.

For all the administrative procedures you can contact Ms Diana Krysinska form the Master Studies Dean’s Office, e-mail diana.krysinska@sgh.waw.pl.

S2 coursers: You will be enrolled for obligatory S2 QEM courses:

  • Microeconomics II (SGH title: Advanced Microeconomics II)​
  • Macroeconomics II (SGH title: Advanced Macroeconomics II)
  • Economietrics (SGH title: Advanced Applied Econometrics).
  • Polish for foreigners

Electives (QEM coordinatorswe will provide you with a list of electives in a separate email).
S3 cousrescourses: for the list please contact the coordinators, e-mail: qem@sgh.waw.pl

Orientation Week

To give you a kick-start on your study-abroad period at SGH, the staff of the International Centre, supported by the team of ESN (fellow SGH students), offers a three-day Orientation period. Both in September and February, just before the start of Fall and Spring semesters, we invite all the exchange and free-mover students to attend our welcome sessions that are to introduce you to Poles, our culture, Warsaw and, of course, the unique SGH academic experience.

Daytime activities, covering official meetings with representatives of the School’s Management and Dean’s Offices as well as Incoming Students Officers, cross-cultural workshops and city tours are all compulsory, as they provide crucial knowledge on Poland and SGH – information that is essential and impossible to give to each student on individual basis.
Every evening, the ESN plans a number of events such as karaoke night, rabbit hunting or dress-up parties, designed to let students interact and meet as many new people as possible. Those activities are not compulsory; however we would strongly encourage you to participate in them to fully enjoy the study-abroad experience.

Information on accommodation

Moving away from home to study abroad is an exciting period of time in student’s life. Meeting new friends, exploring and discovering new places, adapting to new cultures and customs are all the new realties you will experience being an international student at SGH.
The decision about how much of this multicultural adventure will be part of your stay in Warsaw is choosing the appropriate accommodation.

On – campus housing means immersing directly into Polish culture and Warsaw student life while private accommodation gives a possibility of exploring it more independently and bit by bit.

On-campus accommodation

On-campus accommodation (“Sabinki” dorm) is possible. Please contact Ms Diana Krysinska form the Master Studies Dean’s Office, e-mail diana.krysinska@sgh.waw.pl.

It opens the same day as the on-line application and remains active until April 30 and October 30 for Fall and Spring semesters respectively. During that period, students, using their access password, can apply for a place in Sabinki dormitory. Within 3 weeks after the on-line application closes, i.e. in late May and late October, you will be sent an e-mail by SGH Incoming Students Officer informing you if you have been assigned a room or not.

Sabinki dorm, located in the middle of green distrcit of Mokotow, is a five-minute walking distance from SGH’s campus.

Off-campus accommodation

International students not offered on-campus housing must find private accommodation on their own. When seeking accommodation, it is essential to start well in advance as it has proved quite difficult, especially in the beginning of the academic year when Polish students are also looking for accommodation in Warsaw.

A good start is to get in touch with your buddy who can provide you with useful website addresses of apartment’s ads as well as inform you about main real-estate agencies operating in Warsaw. On many occasions, buddies personally help you look for accommodation during the first days of your stay as the International Centre does not have a housing office to assist you with this matter.

Here’s the list of accommodation offers from around Warsaw:

  • Easy Rent – Real estate agency cooperating with international students coming to Warsaw for exchange programs. They have around 150 flats and apartments ready for rent, which are fully prepared and equipped ESPECIALLY FOR ERAMUS STUDENTS, also available only one semester.
  • Pepe Housing - Real estate agency founded  as a response to a high demand for quality student housing in Poland. Its team has been living in multiple countries and has experienced all possible problems related to accommodation hunting abroad. Pepe Housing carefully chose the landlords and make sure that all the flats and rooms are equipped with basic furniture and all necessary items

Offers from private landlords are not verified by our office.

For all the administrative procedures you can contact Ms Diana Krysinska form the Master Studies Dean’s Office.

Diana Krysińska

Master Studies Dean’s Office
al. Niepodległości 162
phone: 22 564 94 83
e-mail: dsm@sgh.waw.pl